custom painting please include the country and city and sizes required and meduim canvas or wall - if wall specify type of painting on the wall like acrylic or oil etc... -
children issues children issues are many, provide details as much as possible so I can provide a beneficial reply.
body organs photos please specify if you want the complete set or specific organs
weight loss mention your present weight and the desired weight
energy transfer mention energies you want for you or for anyone else
home healing mention how many rooms and enclosed spaces
energy healing course how would you like to take the course, over skype or in person in Cairo Egypt or in your city
energy photos mention what you would like in an energy photo so we can create for you
energy healing mention the name of a disease or diseases and provide as much detail as possible so I can provide the more beneficial answer to your situation
energy jewelry mention your questions and choice of material from the available options
franchise inquiry mention your questions and provide relevant information